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Shenyang Piotec Technology Co.,LTD.
Shenyang Piotec Technology Co.,LTD.
smart chip card solutions

RFID Item Management Solution

Main application scenarios:

  • Cargo warehousing: realize quick reading, warehousing, and outbound operations of goods to improve the efficiency of logistics management.

  • Supply chain management: Realize the tracking and management of goods to ensure accuracy and timeliness in the logistics process.

  • Factory logistics: realize automatic identification and management of items and improve logistics efficiency.

  • Medical and health care: Realize automatic identification and management of medical equipment and drugs to ensure medical safety.

  • Asset management: realize automatic identification and management of assets and improve the efficiency of asset management.

Advantages of RFID Item Management Solution

Advantages of RFID Item Management Solution
Advantages of RFID Item Management Solution
Advantages of RFID Item Management Solution
Efficient Workflow

Streamlines item circulation, reduces backlog, and minimizes manual effort through RFID-enabled automation.

Advantages of RFID Item Management Solution
Advantages of RFID Item Management Solution
Accurate Tracking

Provides real-time alerts, enhances security, and ensures precise inventory control for effective item management.

Features of RFID Item Management Solution

Establish a digitized process for item borrowing, returning, and circulation, enhancing the efficiency of item circulation verification through technology and reducing item backlog. By applying technology, the integrated system solidifies business rules while providing sufficient auxiliary information, decreasing reliance on skilled workers.

This reduces unnecessary manual management time, allowing employees to independently borrow, return, and use items, with the system automatically tracking their deposits and withdrawals. Timely alerts are generated for excessive or insufficient inventory of items, unauthorized borrowing by employees, overdue returns, items nearing maintenance periods, and more, enabling more scientifically managed item control.

The system offers multi-dimensional metrics for item management, rendering processes such as borrowing, usage, returning, maintenance, scrapping, and circulation more scientifically managed. In special scenarios, real-time indications of misplaced items are necessary to prevent security incidents. Incorrect usage and the tracking of potentially compromised items also require prompt tracing capabilities.

Features of RFID Item Management Solution

Customizable Options for RFID Item Management Solution

  • Supports 1 master cabinet + N auxiliary cabinets mode

  • Equipped with casters for easy mobility

  • Stackable design for convenient installation

  • A single master cabinet can control up to 255 auxiliary cabinets

  • Master cabinet manages auxiliary cabinets, not for file storage

  • Storage compartments can be authorized individually

  • Emergency physical unlocking mechanism

  • Utilizes anti-false-closure electronic lock technology

  • Multidimensional prevention of tag collision and missed reads

Customizable Options for RFID Item Management Solution